貓森旅榮獲2024台北市評鑑「特優」!謝謝貓咪飼主們對貓森旅的信任與支持。 2025/1/25~2/2農曆年期間預約已額滿。




重要公告:謝謝貓咪飼主們對貓森旅的信任與支持。 2025/1/25-2/2 農曆年假預約已額滿。

Thank you to all the cat owners for their trust and support in Cats’ Forest Villa. The reservations for the Lunar New Year holiday from February 7 to February 14, 2024, are now fully booked.

此表單僅供線上預約使用,不代表已成功訂房,我們將於 24 小時內以電子郵件與電話回覆您。如有疑問請電洽 02-2707-8877 (12:00-21:00),不便之處,敬請見諒!

This form is only for online reservation, this does not meant the booking is complete. We will contact you within 24 hour to confirm the reservation. If you have any questions, please contact 02-2707-8877  (business hours 12:00-21:00), thank you very much.

    電子郵件 *

    預計入住時段 *
    Estimated check-in time

    開放入住時段:15:00-20:30 (在 15:00 前 或 20:30 後辦理入住將額外收取超時費) / check-in time: 15:30-20:30 (extra fee will be charged if you want to check-in earlier).

    預計退房時段 *
    Estimated check-out time

    開放退房時段:12:00-14:00 (在 14:00 後辦理退房將收取超時費) / check-out time: 12:00-14:00 (extra fee will be charged if you want to check-out later).

    主人姓名 *
    Owner name

    聯絡手機 *
    Contact phone number

    貓貴賓名字 *
    Cat's name

    入住貓森旅原因 *
    Reason for staying

    房型 *
    Room type

    入住貓數 *
    How many cats are staying for this reservation?

    How did you find us?

    貓咪曾經外宿貓旅館 *
    Did your cat ever stayed in a cat hotel before?

    包含貓咪 10 個月齡以下(請選擇最幼小的貓咪年紀)*
    Including cats age under 10 month (please choose the age of the youngest cat)

    包含貓咪 10 歲以上(請選擇最高齡的貓咪年紀)*
    Including cats age over 10 years old (please choose the age of the oldest cat)

    包含貓咪未結紮 *
    Is your cat Spayed / Neutered?

    包含貓咪懷孕中 *
    Is your cat pregnant?

    包含貓咪正在接受藥物治療 *
    Is your cat currently under any medication?


    任何想讓照護員了解的內容 / Anything you want the caregiver to know

    此表單僅供線上預約使用,不代表已成功訂房,訂房結果須以門市人員回覆為準 *
    This form is only for online reservation, this does not meant the booking is complete.we will contact you within 24 hour to confirm the reservation.

    ※貓森旅溫馨提醒: 動保處人員依法可不定時稽查旅宿中的貓貴賓晶片,若經認定貓貴賓未植入晶片,飼主將面臨新台幣3,000元至1萬5,000元不等的罰鍰。
    Animal Protection Regulation Reminder: Animal Protection Office staff are legally authorized to conduct random inspections of microchips in cats at accommodations. If a cat is found not to have a microchip implanted, the owner will face a fine ranging from NT$3,000 to NT$15,000.